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Simply dripping with ancient history and filled with many unmissable sights, a visit to the Eternal City of Rome is at the top of many travellers’ list. From gazing in awe at the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, to scaling the Spanish Steps and making a wish at the Trevi Fountain, there are essential experiences in Rome at every turn. For those on an extended trip or anyone who wants to enjoy a different taste of Rome, here are 6 alternative experiences that can add a new but excellent aspect to your trip here.

Tiber Island

The tiny boat-shaped Tiber Island nestles in the river and is a lovely place to spend an afternoon. Particularly if you take a picnic along with you. Accessed by the Ponte Fabricio footbridge which dates back to 62BC, the island once housed a temple dedicated to the God of Healing. Although the temple no longer exists, the association still remains. Rarely frequented by anyone but the locals, it’s a nice place to relax, soak up the sun and enjoy a few crowd free hours before continuing with your sightseeing. In the summer, the island plays host to Isola del Cinema film festival. You can watch films on big screen in the sunshine. Definitely a memorable way to spend an afternoon in a lovely setting, no matter what film is playing or rather the language it is in!

Experiences in Rome – Janiculum Hill

The second highest hill in the city of Rome, yet separate to the more famous Seven Hills, Janiculum Hill is found on the Trastevere side of the river. Thanks to its stunning location overlooking the city, it was always significant in terms of defence for the city. For visitors, a climb to the top will afford panoramic views and a blissful escape from the chaotic streets below. You will find beautiful Botanic Gardens, home to over 7,000 species of plant life, interspersed with historic monuments and fountains.

Villa D’Este

Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Villa D’Este, as its name suggests is a Villa in Tivoli near to Rome. Boasting beautiful renaissance architecture and stunning gardens, it is a delight to visit. Inside the villa itself, the frescoes prove impressive. The garden complete with numerous fountains provides a harmonious experience.

Campo de’ Fiori

With so many big names attractions and sights vying for your attention, the smaller treasures can easily get overlooked. Campo de’Fiori is a classic example. This lively fruit and vegetable market sees local selling flogging their local produce, surrounded by historic medieval houses. In a great setting, this is a great place to get a dose of local life. The bohemian atmosphere will get your day off to great start, plus you can pick up some delicious food to snack on throughout the day.

Tiber River

Consider a stroll along the banks of the Tiber River. The river used to flood the city every winter until the giant embankments were built in 1870. In the early evening, this now makes the perfect place for a riverside walk. Unlike other city rivers, the Tiber seems to have its very own personality. For one of the best experiences in Rome, there are a number of restaurants found when dusk falls. It can be the ideal location for dinner. Piazza della Bocca della Verità is a popular starting point.

Music in the Churches

In the hustle and bustle, many of the churches go unnoticed during visits to Rome. They are the setting of some fantastic musical concerts. Keep your eyes peeled for programs outside both the large well-known churches and those hidden on small squares. Notices for upcoming musical performances will also be posted on notice boards across the city. The Pope dictates that the music played must be sacred. If you happen to attend a concert, you won’t forget it in a hurry. Some favourite locations to catch a concert include Sant’Ignazio di Loyola located on Piazza di Sant’Ignazio and also San Paolo Fuori le Mura found at Via Ostiense 186.

Would you consider visiting any of these places during your trip to Rome, Italy or have you in the past?

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