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Located in Northern Spain right on the coast, San Sebastian is a city with plenty to keep visitors occupied. Its close proximity to the French border is an added bonus too allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds during one trip! Here’s a guide to the top things you can do in the city itself before you head off and discover some equally great things to do across the border in France.

San Sebastian

As a major culinary capital of the world, a trip to San Sebastian means your taste buds are in for an adventure. Treat yourself to what will be perhaps one of the most lavish meals of your life with a meal at a 3 star Michelin Restaurant. Here you will find the best of the best when it comes to the world’s chefs and the food that they deliver. There are in fact three, three star restaurants to choose from; Akelar, Arzak and Martin Berasateguito so choose wisely! Failing that, the many Pintxos bars, similar to tapas bars, are said to be fantastic and there is a limitless choice.

Beaches galore

Not just an insatiable city, San Sebastian boasts some excellent beaches too. The golden sands are excellent for a day or two of sun bathing but fronted by the Atlantic Ocean, the most fun lays in the water as San Sebastian is well known for its great surfing! La Zurriola is the best for this where you can rent equipment and even take some surfing lessons. If you don’t fancy giving surfing a go, Ondaretta or La Concha beaches are better for swimming.

Explore Santa Clara

Be sure to visit the pretty island of Santa Clara in the centre of the bay. During the summer, boat trips run every half an hour so there’s really no excuse. Enjoy the small beach area, visit the intriguing lighthouse building and explore the criss-crossing footpaths with a spattering of open air cafes.

Discover the cathedral

The famous Catedral del Buen Pastor, or the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd is perhaps one of the most worthy buildings for a visit. Built in Neo-Gothic style it’s the tallest church in the city, towering over surrounding buildings with an impressive façade.

Mount Urgull

Mount Urgull grandly overlooks the city and the summit can be reached in a moderate 30 – 45 minute hike. The 12th century La Mota Castle sits proudly atop and now houses a museum called the History House, so if in the unlikely event you tire of the fantastic views, there’s something else to see.

Across the Border

Be sure to visit Bordeaux if only to sample the fantastic wine, considered to be the best in the world by many. With a relaxed attitude and filled with cafés, gardens, historic attractions and museums, not to mention surrounded by vineyards, you probably won’t know where to start.

French Pyrenees

Engulfing the border south from the coast, the French Pyrenees mountains are perhaps some of the best known in the world. If you do nothing else, be sure to travel here when you are so close! The spectacular scenery and diverse flora and fauna make the perfect setting for hikes and day walks and the charming French towns compliment your visit.


Biarritz is a wonderful French coastal town just a stone’s throw away from San Sebastian. Relax on the gorgeous beaches, give surfing another go (after all, practice makes perfect), explore the interesting museums and stick around for the excellent nightlife in the town and at the two casinos.

Have you ever been to San Sebastian? What did you get to up during your trip? Or are you planning to go?

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