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You’ve booked your dream holiday and you’re ready to jet off and have the time of your life for a couple of sun-blessed weeks. Things don’t always go swimmingly though. Sometimes problems can crop up when you’re away on holiday. You may feel out of your comfort zone and a problem can really set you back. It can be hard to know how best to approach the situation. Here are some of the most common holiday nightmares that holidaymakers might have to tackle and advice on how to deal with them.

Flight Delays

Whilst we are currently enjoying mild temperatures, it won’t be long before the mercury will plunge. This brings unpredictable weather like snow, ice, fog or high winds. Bad weather can mean your flight gets grounded, but there can be other causes. Here’s how to cope:

Try to keep your cool, the airline staff will be doing their very best to assist you. Firstly, phone your airline as they will be able to advise you on the situation. The matter of compensation depends on the reason and length of the delay. The telephone operator will be the best person to discuss this with. Be alert to any updates issued by members of staff in the airport. Even though your flight is delayed, ensure you stay relatively close to your departure gate, as the situation can change rapidly. If you have plans once you reach the other end, such as a car hire reservation, airport transfer or hotel booking, call them to advise them of the delay. This could help you to evade further problems at the other end.

Airline Strikes

With various airline strikes happening every few months, it’s not always 100% certain that we will get to depart on the intended day. If you are unlucky and get caught up in an uproar, here’s how to cope:

Before even thinking about leaving for the airport, check the status of your flight via phone or the airline’s website. If necessary, the airline will assist you with booking an alternative flight. Telephone the services you have booked at your destination (car hire, hotel) to advise them of the situation and make any amendments to your booking if necessary. Check if they will charge amendment fees. If you have taken out travel insurance, check what and how much you are covered for and contact them accordingly. Most importantly, continue to stay connected and check for any updates as the situation develops.

Lost Wallet

Losing your wallet or purse when you are away can cause holiday nightmares. With no access to money or credit cards, where do you even begin? Here’s how to cope:

Preparation is key when it comes to this dilemma. Save the number for your card company or bank in your mobile phone. Write it on a piece of paper so you can store it in your luggage. Leave some cash and one of your cards in the hotel room safe. That way you will always have a backup.

If you haven’t, the first thing to do is to call your bank, cancel your cards and report them as missing. This will mean that if the card is stolen, you won’t be held responsible for any transactions. With no cash or cards, contact someone from home and ask them to wire money to you via a system such as Western Union. There is usually a fee for this and you will need photo ID to collect the money. This can be the best way to get out of a sticky spot if you have helpful family or friends. Alternatively, contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office who will be able to give you further advice.

Lost Passport

You’re having a great holiday and you embark on a night out. You need to present your passport as a form of ID but you just can’t find it anywhere. You’re forced to accept that it is lost, or worse, stolen. Curb your panic, here’s how to cope:

First of all, report your passport as missing or stolen at the local police station. They will take all of the necessary details and issue a police report. This is essential. The next thing is to contact the nearest British Embassy or Consulate who will cancel your original passport to prevent identity theft. They will also be able to provide the necessary forms and assist you in obtaining a replacement travel document.

Accident in your Rental Car

Driving in a foreign country can be a tricky task to master and panic can really set in if you end up in an accident. If you find yourself in a smash, here’s how to cope:

Naturally, you should remain calm and check that both you and your passengers are uninjured. If another vehicle is involved, do your best to check that they too are unharmed. Then, call the police. Car rental policies will state that you need to obtain an accident report form or police report form to ensure that your rental car insurance is not invalidated. You should also contact the car hire supplier to report the accident and advise them of the damage. The car hire supplier will be able to advise you on how to proceed.

Whilst we hope that you avoid any holiday nightmares and all goes smoothly, sometimes problems such as this can crop up when we least expect it. Dealing with them in a foreign country can be difficult so hopefully this has given you some helpful tips if you ever find yourself in a tough situation.

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