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We’re super proud to support Norfolk Children’s charity, Break. Over the years we’ve tried our best to show support for their fantastic cause. We purchased Chromilla in 2013 and bought Rosie the Dragon in 2015, they both live in our office now. We’re really grateful to be able to help a great cause.

We’re continuing this support this year by supporting their GoGoHares trail. We’ve got our very own moongazer hares right here in Dereham where we’re based. We announced the design for our hare back in February and have been counting down the days until our own hare was let loose in Dereham.

Luckily, that day has come. On Sunday 24th June 2018, we let the rabbit (hare 😉) out the bag and our very own hare is now on display in the middle of Dereham.

Our GoGo Phareoh will be sat in Dereham town center until Saturday 8th September 2018 and would love a visit from anyone who’s in the area or trying to see the whole trail.

If you snap a selfie while you’re hare, share it with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! Even better, our hare has its very own Twitter which you should follow to keep up to date with her hare-raising antics. 😉

More useful links about our Hare and Break Charity:


About the author: Luke

Luke’s passion for giving customers what they want is evident in his specialised consumer advice blogs. He’s always looking for the next piece of advice to give travellers.

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