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With the current cold snap and snowy weather arriving in the UK with “The Beast from the East”, we thought we’d offer our top tips for driving in such conditions. Our biggest tip, for the safety of yourself and other road users, is obviously not to travel and avoid unnecessary journeys. However, sometimes it’s simply not possible, so here are our top tips for driving in the snow.

top tips for driving in winterPhoto by: RobertNyholm/Stock

Before setting off

Plan your journey

Always try to use roads that you know are treated. Some small B-roads are often left untreated and can be treacherous. If you know that certain roads aren’t treated for slippery conditions, try to choose a route that avoids them. Many councils operate Twitter and Facebook accounts which highlight gritting activity, so it can be worth checking these before setting off. Google Maps and other traffic apps will highlight areas where there’s been an accident or delays are forming.

Leave plenty of time

Even on treated roads, just because you may feel safe to continue at normal speeds, you should adjust your speed to the conditions of the road. Prepare for other drivers to also adjust their speeds to a level they feel more secure at. Always leave a buffer of time should the traffic be slower or if there is a block in the road. You may need to take a diversion. You should always “drive to arrive”.

Clear your vehicle

If your vehicle is covered in snow, make sure you clear it before setting off. Not only is it illegal, but also very dangerous. Snow on your windscreen could block your vision and snow on your roof could fall off at speed and collide with another road user or pedestrian. You also need to ensure that the lights on your vehicle aren’t obstructed and are clearly visible.

Pack supplies!

Make sure you have plenty of charge in your mobile phone because should you get stuck, you may need to call someone for assistance. Consider these extra supplies to take in your vehicle should you become stranded:

  • Extra de-icer and scraper
  • Warning triangle
  • Blanket to keep warm
  • Jump leads
  • First aid kit
  • Hi-vis clothing
  • Spare screen wash treated with anti-freeze
  • Torch

top tips for driving in winterPhoto by: tawatchai1990/Stock

Onto the driving!

Be gentle

The biggest tip for driving in snow is to make sure everything you do is gentle. Driving this way reduces the risk of losing traction and getting yourself into trouble. When pulling away from a stationary position, ensuring you’re gentle on the throttle will minimise wheel slip. Make sure you accelerate gently and change into a high gear as soon as possible. Brake gently when approaching a bend and do not brake while turning the wheel as this will increase the risk of a slide.

Be aware of other road users

Keep your distance from the car ahead of you. Your stopping distance can be over 10 times greater when driving in snow, so no tailgating! Keep your headlights on dipped beam, this will not only help oncoming traffic see you but also vehicles behind you. Remember if you cannot see more than 100m ahead, use your fog lights.

Losing traction

Should you be unfortunate enough to lose traction and start to skid, the biggest tip is to not panic. Going straight for the brakes in a slide is likely to make things a lot worse. Steering into the skid and removing your foot from the accelerator is best. So, if the rear of your vehicle starts to slide to the left, steer left and stop accelerating, you should come to a controlled stop.

Last words

Finally, as mentioned at the start of this article, we wouldn’t advise to drive unless absolutely necessary in snowy conditions. If you do, hopefully our tips will help you to be a little more confident and well-prepared. If you think it’s probably not safe to drive, then follow your instinct, stay in and stay safe!

Written by Shaun Curtis.

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