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Whether you travel regularly, or travel very little, there are a few experiences that are truly memorable and are often considered experiences you may only have once in a lifetime. Below are the attractions and experiences that many would consider adding to their bucket list; experiences that you should jump at if you have the chance.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Fiordland, New ZealandMilford Sound, New Zealand. Photo by: Fyle/Adobe Stock

New Zealand

Fiordland is an incredible piece of the world to uncover and there are several ways to do it. You can take a cruise or helicopter through this National Park which mostly falls under the Te Wahipounamu World Heritage Site. The scenery is breath-taking, with rivers carving their way through steep emerald cliffs. The area is the least populated of the South Island so retains much of its natural beauty, unscarred by human development. Seek out the Fiordland crested penguin, a vulnerable species endemic to New Zealand. The Te Anau Glow-worm Caves should also make the list, with a tour via Real Journeys. Quietly bob along inside the cave as a magical experience awaits you.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Icehotel, SwedenIcehotel, Sweden. Photo by: Marco Regalia/Adobe Stock


We’ve mentioned the incredible Icehotel several times before; a hotel open 365 days a year, structured from ice. You’re bound to remember a night here! You can catch our coverage on the Icehotel below;

The Northern Lights are also another to check off your bucket list. What an incredible natural phenomenon. Be sure to check out our blog above.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Pamukkale, TurkeyPamukkale, Turkey. Photo by: rommma/Adobe Stock


The naturally made staircase of infinity pools at Pamukkale in the south-west are a must-visit. If basing yourself in Izmir, it’s a great stop for a day trip. You’ll want to get there as early as possible to avoid tourists that arrive later in the day. The shelves have been built up over time by limestone deposits from the running water. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

Not only can you wile time away by the pools, but also visit the Greco-Roman ruins of Hierapolis, plus temples to the Gods, climb the seats of the Roman theatre, and learn more within the Archaeological Museum. Due to damage caused by tourism, be sure to follow signs and prohibitions when it comes to entering the pools.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Uluru, AustraliaUluru, Australia. Photo by: ronnybas/Adobe Stock


Climb one of the best views available- climb to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge! You can go up at different times through the day depending on the experience you want- head up in the daytime, or catch the sunset; the choice is yours.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park should also make your itinerary if you’re in Australia. Don’t forget that, out of respect, you should not climb Ayers Rock. Trek around the base and discover more about the history of the land in the Cultural Centre. Watch the sun rise or set for life-long memories.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Table Mountain, South AfricaTable Mountain, South Africa. Photo by: rogerdelaharpe/Adobe Stock

South Africa

Part of Table Mountain National Park, tackle Table Mountain to witness 360-degree aerial views of Cape Town. Go by foot to get up close and personal to flora and fauna, or take the cableway for a quicker route to the summit.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Yellowstone National Park, USAMorning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park, USA. Photo by: Irina K./Adobe Stock


Visit the world’s first ever National Park; Yellowstone, full of many diverse scenes from geysers and hot springs, to forests and lakes. It’s so big, covering over 3,000 square miles, that it enters 3 different states; Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Half of the world’s geothermal attractions are found in Yellowstone so it’s definitely worth setting aside a few days to explore the park. Part of your tour should include the Heritage and Research Center in Gardiner, which is close to the north entrance to the park. This will give you a good background on the park and it’s many natural formations.

Once in a lifetime experiences: Whale watching, Vancouver, CanadaWhale watching, Vancouver, Canada. Photo by: h368k742/Adobe Stock


More than 30 different species of whale coalesce along the coastline of Canada so it’s one of the best places to go for whale-watching. The east coast, along the Atlantic, will provide your best chances but the west coast provides opportunities for spotting orca. Be sure to do your research into tour operators and check their success rates. Some will even offer money back guarantees if you don’t spot anything. The song of the whale is something you’re bound to carry with you even after you’ve left the country.

Once in a lifetime experiences: the Vatican, ItalyAltar of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican, Italy. Photo by: Svetlana Day/Adobe Stock


Head to the Vatican, specifically the Sistine Chapel, to marvel at the incredible work of Michelangelo. The ceiling, which took four years to paint, features nine key scenes from the Book of Genesis running down the centre. The Last Judgment, was painted on the altar wall between 1536 and 1541; another key piece by Michelangelo. The incredible detail throughout the paintings will leave you breathless.

Once in a lifetime experiences- Sigiriya, Sri LankaSigiriya, Sri Lanka. Photo by: surangaw/Adobe Stock

Sri Lanka

Head to the ancient fortress, Sigiriya, that sits atop a rock nearly 200m high. The palace was said to have been built by King Kasyapa who ordered the frescoes that are painted on the rocks and walls throughout the site. The palace was abandoned after his death but used as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century. This UNESCO world Heritage Site is home to some of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world.

Your once in a lifetime experiences

What other experiences would you add to our list? Have you done any of the things above? Let us know in the comments below.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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