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Packing luggage can be a real chore for travellers, especially those that don’t do it often and so are unaware of handy tricks which can save them hassle. We list 9 top tips to help you when packing luggage, making it more effective, saving you space and money.

packing luggagePhoto by: Kaspars Grinvalds/Adobe Stock

1. Know your limits

Check the baggage allowance of your airline before you book and compare with others that are available. A slightly more expensive flight might have a heavier allowance. Familiarise yourself with the allowance before you start packing. Weigh your luggage just before you set off so you know what your final weight is.

For example, Jet2 have a maximum weight of 10kg set on any hand luggage (1 piece per passenger). Pre-booked hold luggage can weigh up to 22kg. Each passenger can pay relevant charges and check-in up to three pieces of luggage which can total 66kg (with no single piece weighing more than 32kg). British Airways allows up to 23kg on checked baggage and also for a cabin bag. EasyJet allow up to 20kg for hold baggage and have no weight restriction on cabin baggage but it must fit within the 56 x 45 x 25cm dimensions (including handles and wheels).

2. Make a list

Once your flight is booked, make a list of everything you need to pack. Consider the activities you’ll be doing during your trip- will you need certain items for these? Be realistic- don’t pack clothes or shoes you’re not likely to need. Ensure all necessities such as medicine are listed. Any toiletries could be bought when you arrive at your destination or take a small bottle of the product to ensure you only take what you will need. You can buy small reusable toiletry travel containers.

3. Be strict

Once you’ve finished your list, check it over. Do you really need everything that’s written down? Clothes are the main thing that people overestimate when packing luggage. Consider taking less and washing these during your trip- it will save space.

packing luggagePhoto by: agnormark/Adobe Stock

4. Hand luggage

Make full use of the hand luggage you’re allowed. You may wish to pack a change of clothes into your carry-on. This is also helpful should your hold luggage go missing (read more on how to deal with lost or damaged luggage). Pack bulky items such as electronics and books into your carry-on.

5. Pre-book

If you know you’re taking more luggage than what’s permitted as standard, pre-book this online with your airline before you travel rather than at the airport. You’ll save money.

6. Bulk up

This may not be to everyone’s expectations but one way to cut back on space when packing luggage is to wear all your bulky items on the flight. If you’re wearing the heaviest items, they won’t be in your case. You can then remove anything necessary on the plane and place either in the overhead storage or under your seat.

7. Frequent flier

Many airlines have frequent flier programmes which may offer luggage discounts or waivers so be aware of these when booking your flights to see if you can take advantage (though we appreciate not all travellers fly that often!).

8. Go lightweight

When considering what luggage to take, it can be worth investing in lightweight luggage as opposed to that which will weigh you down before you’ve even started packing.

packing luggagePhoto by: tatomm/Adobe Stock

9. Become a folding pro

It takes time but fold your items and place them in your luggage in a variety of ways to see how they best fit. Try rolling your clothes and see if this helps you fit more in your case. If packing any shoes, stuff these with socks or pants to make effective use of the space.

Your approach to packing luggage

Different people will have their preferred methods when it comes to packing luggage. What other top tips can you recommend to fellow travellers to bear in mind when packing their luggage? Leave us a comment below.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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  • Pack your clothes in polythene bags so that if the case is dumped in the rain by baggage handlers it doesn’t arrive sopping wet!

    • Jessica Juby 5 Apr 2017

      Hi Ian,

      Thanks for your comment – a great tip!

      Jessica, Zest Car Rental

  • If travelling with easyjet, and there are two or more of you, consider packing one carry on size case with all your heavy items, as there is no weight restriction. then when you get to the airport, help them by checking it in as hold luggage for no cost, as they have a problem with space in the overhead lockers.

    • Jessica Juby 15 Mar 2017

      Hi Alan,

      Thanks for your comment- a great tip!

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

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