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Do you like to get off the beaten track on holiday? Head off somewhere different, such as the stunning country of Slovenia. It might be right up your street! If you head down to the woods today, you’ll be sure of a big surprise! Slovenia is packed full of bear watching opportunities.

Slovenia is one of the most important European countries with a stable population of Brown Bears within an expanding habitat. The bears here are significant for the introduction of this species into other countries including Italy, Austria and France.

Where can you find bears?

The Notranjska Regional Park in southern Slovenia is home to around 600 Brown Bears in an area of 2400km2. Their numbers appear to be continually increasing. With such a high population in a small area, the chances of spotting a bear in its natural habitat are very good indeed.

Best ways to spot bears

The bears are usually best spotted between dusk and dawn from April through to August. It is unadvisable to go searching for the bears in the woods by yourself for obvious reasons. Your best bet is to embark upon a guided tour where you will be taken by an experienced gamekeeper. This will greatly improve your chances of a sighting! The UK based company; “Just Slovenia” is the tour operator you need to contact to arrange this encounter.

You will be taken to special huts which are intended for bear watching. They are certainly comfortable enough to spend a few hours in. You will usually be able to see the bears from a distance of 30-50 metres. A lone male will be the most promising arrival or maybe a mother with cubs if you are exceptionally lucky. In the depths of the forest, you should also witness plenty of other wildlife. Look out for Deer, Foxes, Wolves and Wild Boars, which will surely add to this wonderful experience.

For a country so rich with natural beauty, wildlife and culture it is surprisingly still relatively undiscovered when compared to its European Neighbours. With that in mind, Slovenia is worthy of consideration for your next break. Plus, with the added activities on offer such as Brown Bear Watching you’ll be hard to find a destination with such an individual allure.

Have you been Brown Bear Watching in Slovenia or travelled here for your holiday? What did you think? If not, are you tempted to go? Share your thoughts.

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