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When it comes to paranormal activity the phrase ‘seeing is believing’ often comes to mind. However, this Halloween Economy Car Hire has a few ghost stories to tell that you can also experience for yourself!

If you are planning a holiday this October half term, beware the ghosts and ghouls that haunt these hotels in Europe. For a holiday experience to write home about, why not book yourself in for a few nights of spooky happenings that you won’t forget in a hurry.

Limoges, France

This is a nice one to ease you in. The town of Limoges is more fun factor than fear factor, but it has embraced the tradition of celebrating Halloween since 1996.

Towards the end of October, Limoges bursts into life with a range of events. These include lively street shows, themed fairs, costume parades, storytelling festivals and ghoulish parties. Drawing nearly 50,000 visitors every year this is one Halloween party not to be missed!


Brissac Castle, France

This is haunting with a sense of humour!

This stylish French Château can be found in the Loire Valley. A noble couple, Jacque and Charlotte, bought the castle during the 15th century. Whilst their home may resemble the stuff dreams are made of, their marriage unfortunately did not. Young, beautiful and spoilt Charlotte was a faithless wife and had a number of indiscrete affairs. Not only was she indiscrete, she tormented her husband by, ahem, enjoying herself rather noisily in the bedroom next to his.

Jacque eventually snapped, murdered the pair and disposed of the bodies somewhere in the castle. But this didn’t stop Charlotte and her lover. Their ghosts continued to moan through the night keeping poor Jacques awake.

Today, visitors to the castle have claimed sightings of Charlotte, also known as, la Dame Verte. She has been seen wandering the halls of the castle and continues to keep visitors awake at night with her incessant moaning!


Dragsholm Castle, Denmark

This castle, despite being considered one of the most haunted places in Europe, is open for overnight stays. If you’re looking for a truly spooktacular sleepover this is the place for you.

Located on an islet in Denmark, the isolation of this place is enough to give anyone the chills. Visit at Halloween and you are likely to be treated to a visit from one of the many ghosts. A variety of different poltergeists have been detected here. The strongest of which is that of the Lady in White.

The Lady in White was the daughter of nobleman who owned the castle. As punishment for having an affair with one of the labourers, the young woman was imprisoned within the walls of the castle. Her body remained undiscovered for hundreds of years. Until workers discovered a skeleton dressed in a white robe entombed within a wall.

The Lady in White is now said to roam the castle at night looking for her lost lover.


Chillingham Castle, Northumberland

Chillingham castle regularly tops the list of most haunted places in Britain. Home to the tortured spirits of the wailing ‘Blue Boy’ and wandering ‘Lady Mary’, visitors to this chilling (get it?) spot have reported a number of ghostly goings on.

The castle itself has a pretty grisly history that is enough to make even the steeliest nerved feel uneasy. During a Scottish invasion in the 12th century, many traitors were tortured, hung, drawn and quartered on the castle grounds. Their heads displayed on the perimeter gates as a warning to others.

Unsurprisingly the dungeon is reported as being a hotspot for paranormal activity. If you don’t spot a menacing apparition on your tour, the blood curdling implements on display will no doubt give you goose bumps. These include a stretching rack, boiling pot and a barrel full of spikes.

Hotel Burchianti, Italy

Located in the historic city of Florence a trip to this hotel is likely to make a brush with the past feel entirely present.

The hotel dates back a hundred years or so and guarantees some kind of ghostly activity during your stay. In fact the hotel is home to no less than 4 or 5 permanent paranormal guests. Visitors have reported sightings of a giggling child in the corridors, a woman knitting in a chair, a maid who wanders from room to room and a strange figure that haunts the Fresco room. This last is perhaps the most menacing. Many guests have complained of the feeling of being watched and feeling an ice cold touch on their face.

In more extreme cases, guests have woken in the night to the sensation of an ice cold weight pressing down on their chest and covers being pulled from the bed!


The October half term holiday is always a popular time to get away and many destinations become busy. However, whilst it’s safe to say you are unlikely to encounter crowds of guests at these Halloween hot spots, don’t hold your breath for peace and quiet either.

If you feel inspired to get away this October let us know where you’re headed, we’d love to hear your plans. Or, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up to our newsletter for the latest news and more Economy Car Hire recommendations!

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Written by Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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