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In a world where passengers are increasingly ‘plugged in’ travel has become a somewhat solitary experience. With iPods, smartphones, laptops and games consoles to hand, travellers no longer need to rely on their fellow passengers to relieve the boredom of long and potentially tedious journeys.

Here at Economy Car Hire, we say look up! Log out of Facebook, stop tweeting live updates of your journey, reply to that email later and take out your headphones! Technology has changed the way we travel drastically and not necessarily in a good way.

The ‘car game’, an old family favourite, is making a comeback and we’ve come up with a list of our top 6 favourites to keep you entertained on your next journey!

1. Rhyming Story Game

This game is perfect for passengers of any age and can be picked up and restarted whenever you wish. The aim of the game is to collectively tell a story that rhymes throughout. Each passenger or player contributes a sentence making sure it rhymes with the previous.


Player 1- There once was a man named Mr Pie…
Player 2- He owned three pigs that lived in a sty…

Whilst the story is likely to dissolve into complete nonsense it is a fun way to test your imagination. Give it a go; you may end up being surprised by how amusing your fellow passengers can be! The person to think of the last rhyming sentence is the winner.

2. Fortunately-Unfortunately

In a similar vein to the Rhyming game, fortunately- Unfortunately is based on the idea of story-telling. One passenger thinks of an unfortunate statement whilst another counters it with a fortunate statement. The two statements must be connected by a single theme in order to be considered a valid entry.


Player 1- Unfortunately it is forecast to rain on our camping trip…
Player 2- Fortunately wellies are my favourite shoes…

The idea is to entertain the other passengers with your statements so, the more outrageous and ridiculous the better!

3. License Plate Lingo

This game is a real test of wit and imagination. Using the letters from the license plate of the car in front of you or other vehicles passing by you must think of a logical phrase or sentence.


If the license plate reads ‘NR09 LMT’ the first player to shout out a phrase using the last three letters such as ‘Love Me Tender’ or ‘Lost My Tooth’ wins the point.

4. Would You Rather…

Would you rather is a universal game that can be played anywhere at any time. It works well as a car game because the questions can be tailored to suit all ages ensuring that nobody gets bored and everyone can get involved!

One player is given the choice of two equally tough choices. These can range from ‘Would you rather lose your iPod or your phone?’ to ‘Would you rather live for a 1000 years or live 10 x 100 year lives?’

Players can ask 1 clarifying question such as ‘would I be a different person for each of the 10 lives?’ but they must make a choice and explain the logic behind their answer. This game can turn from ridiculous to philosophical at any point and always keeps you thinking!

5. Worst Case Scenario…

Like ‘would you rather’ the aim of this game is to make you think! One player is given a worst case scenario that they must muddle their way out of. It challenges players to use their instinct and common sense. Questions can vary from wilderness survival situations to practical possibilities.


You’re locked in a car boot, how do you escape?

The player that successfully answers the most ‘worst case scenarios’ is the winner.

6. What’s yours like?

This is another great light hearted game that gets everyone involved. It works on similar rules to the age old favourite 21 questions. However, this time all the players except one know what the mystery object is. The guessing player asks the other passengers to describe aspects of the particular chosen object or belonging.


Guessing Player- What colour is yours?
Player 1- Mine is yellow with red polka dots.
Player 2- Mine is blue but doesn’t have a top half.

Answer: A swimsuit.

The guessing player has 3 attempts to guess the object correctly.


Car games are a great way to start or finish your holiday with a laugh so why not enforce a few new rules next time you head off on a road trip or journey? All passengers must partake in at least one car game. Holidays are about sharing fun experiences after all, and what better way to get everyone in the holiday spirit than by all joining in on an entertaining game!

Written by Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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