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Portugal has a rich history when it comes to tourism. It is currently one of the most popular destinations in Europe and many people visit again and again. When you have been somewhere before, sometimes it is nice to just relax and enjoy yourself. On your first visit you can feel the pressure to see as much as possible and end up not relaxing. Half the fun of going on holiday is visiting new places isn’t it?

Once you have hired a car, the country is at your mercy, so what are you waiting for? Be sure to read our helpful guide to driving in Portugal, before you set off.

So, how can you can go on holiday to Portugal and relax, but have the excitement of visiting somewhere new? Economy Car Hire have solved it. We give you Evora. The ancient walled city that will bring some excitement back into your annual trip to Portugal.

Welcome to Evora

Evora is situated under 2 hours’ drive east of Lisbon and is easily accessible to anyone in and around the region. The modern day appearance of the city is a result of 2000 years of habitation. The amount of ancient architecture on display in Evora is incredible and it has led to the city being designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Although the city is a paradise for the history lovers amongst you, it’s easy to appreciate the city without a knowledge of the past. So where to begin?

Templo Romano

The most iconic of Evora’s monuments is the Roman Temple. The city was historically a Roman trading post and since the Roman occupation the temple has been used for many things. The temple housed gallows during the inquisition and has also been an abattoir and a wood store. The centuries of alternative uses does not detract from the beauty of the temple though. The decorative pillars are always a delight to see, raised above ground level in the middle of the square.

If you are visiting Evora during the hot summer months then you will need to adapt to the weather. There is little activity around the middle of the day and it’s for a good reason. It is too hot to do anything productive during the hottest parts of the day. As a result, the locals here have a reputation for the slower pace of life, however, it is a necessary adaptation to the climate. Make sure you do the same and find a shady spot in the Praca do Giraldo, the city’s central square, to relax and have a cool drink.

Let There be Water

There are few innovations that have led to the success of human civilisation more than the aqueduct, and Evora has one that you should visit. The structure can be seen from both inside and outside of the city walls, which gives you some appreciation of its size. There are shops and houses built into the arches of this gigantic structure which make it blend into the landscape as if it was natural. Although it’s 500 years old, the engineering that was required to build the aqueduct is still impressive by modern standards.

Lots of Bones

If you appreciate the architectural qualities of the aqueduct, then you must visit Evora’s cathedral and cloisters. The Sé de Évora is sat on the highest point in Evora and this makes it all the more dramatic. As you look up at the 14th Century gothic building you cannot help but be impressed. The building draws you in and makes you want to see what’s inside. You will not be disappointed. The decorative altar and delicate artwork are some of the finest in Portugal. The cloisters provide a freshness to the old building and there are the best views of the city from the top of the tower.

Definitely the most opinion splitting building in the city is the Chapel of Bones. It is what it is. A chapel made of bones. The idea of the chapel was to remind the visitors of the temporary nature of life. This is effective with the skulls and bones that decorate all the walls, and the ominous message at the entrance to the chapel ‘We, the bones that are here, await yours.’

Having visited the chapel you may in need of a more relaxing pastime. Make sure you wander the narrow winding lanes and get lost in the city. The charm of Evora will capture all but the most resistant of minds. Whilst, the most imaginative of you will be transported back in history whilst strolling round the ancient streets.

We hope this has given you some inspiration to visit the fantastic city of Evora. If you plan to go, or have been, please leave a comment below. You should also read some more about Portugal’s hidden gems to make the most of your time here.

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