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Morocco is extremely diverse and the cuisine follows suit. The ingredients are exotically rich. They combine a plethora of spices with hints of Mediterranean and Arab influences too. The resulting delicious and flavoursome food in Morocco will leave your taste buds tingling in pleasure. Famous Moroccan dishes include Cous Cous, Pastilla, Tagine, Harira, Kaab el Ghzal and Zucre Coco.

Lunchtime treats

Lunchtime marks the main meal of the day. This usually starts with a selection of hot and cold salads made up of raw and cooked ingredients. The next course will be a tagine, full of tender meat and vegetables.

You’ll need to loosen your belt after the tagine if it is a formal meal, to make room for a meat dish. The meal is then rounded off with a course of cous cous topped with meat and vegetables.

Top tip

Bread acts as an eatable utensil in Morocco, so forget a knife and fork; you’ll be eating with your hands here.


In terms of drinks, bear in mind that Morocco is a Muslim country. You may not always be offered a glass of wine to compliment your meal. If alcohol isn’t available a cup of sweet mint tea will be sure to make up for it.

Where to eat

There are countless fine restaurants to choose from in Morocco suitable for all tastes and budgets. Highly acclaimed recommendations include Libzar Restaurant, Riad Bab Firdaus or The Comptoir Darna in Marrakech and The Riad Maison Bleue in Fes. If you want some tasty grub on the run in Morocco, there are plenty of delicious options on offer in the streets too.

Be sure to visit the local markets, referred to locally as Medinas, found in all of the cities and towns. You will spy innumerable stalls overflowing with fresh vegetables, fruits and such a large, colourful selection of spices that you probably won’t know where to begin!

Food is a truly important part of Moroccan culture and delicious offerings in Morocco are lovingly prepared. So, if you are a foodie fanatic, and enjoy a spattering of culture too, Morocco is definitely worth considering for your next meal-grimage!

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