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With seats getting smaller, flights becoming more crowded and hidden costs and extra charges popping up left, right and centre, air travel has become something of a chore! However, at Economy Car Hire we have come up with a fuss free flight guide to ensure your journey runs as smoothly as possible.

Choose the right seat! – It always pays to do your research and when booking a seat in Economy this is no different. Websites such as offer seat plans and extra information about the seat and leg room measurements for a number of airlines and plane sizes. They recommend that when you are choosing your seat there are 3 key things to bear in mind: the nature of your flight: short or long-haul, the time of your flight: are you flying overnight? and lastly how long your legs are!

  • For shorter or overnight flights the much coveted window seat is an obvious choice. Window seats often measure slightly wider, not to mention you have a wall upon which you prop a rolled up hoody or travel pillow to rest your head on and catch some shut eye. I am not saying it will be the most restful sleep you’ve ever had but I dare say it is good deal less awkward then finding yourself snoozing on your unsuspecting neighbours shoulder.
  • If you are travelling long distances during the day and don’t fancy napping the whole way, the aisle seat may offer more comfort. It is always recommended that you try and stretch your legs every couple of hours when flying long-haul. A brief stroll up and down the aisles, or even just standing up and having a good stretch can do wonders if you are feeling restless. You also won’t have to worry about disturbing fellow travellers when you need to get up for the loo!
  • For those that often find themselves folding their legs into uncomfortably small spaces with their knees wedged up against the seat in front, Exit row seats may be the answer to your issues. Located in the middle of the plane, these seats have extra leg room, and they are far cheaper than the cost of business or first class! Choosing the aisle seats in these rows is also advisable as some people complain the emergency exit door can be a little draughty!

Online Check-In– Most airlines also offer the option to check-in online before your departure. This saves precious queuing time, a main objective for holidaymakers keen to start their holiday!

Minimise hand luggage– Try and keep your hand luggage light as well. With checked luggage fees being so high, it’s tempting to try and stuff two weeks worth of clothes into a carry-on bag! Remember, being laden with bulging handbags or backpacks that you couldn’t squeeze into the overhead compartments is not only going to make you uncomfortable but will probably encroach on your neighbour’s personal space too. Make sure you check the size of hand luggage that your chosen airline permits before heading off to the airport. Also check how many bags you are allowed to take as carry-on luggage too. This can easily catch you out and cause a stressful start to your trip!

Check out our tops tips for travelling light when flying with just your hand luggage!

Travel Pillows & Eye Masks– Bringing along the right travel accessories can also help to keep boredom at bay and settle the most impatient traveller! Travel pillows and neck rests are a travel must these days, although avoid the inflatable ones, as well as sleep-masks. Napping is usually the most popular way to pass the time when flying and these handy but hand-luggage friendly accessories really make comfort a commodity you can afford!

Headphones & Earplugs– If your airline provides an in-flight entertainment service, such as films or music channels, it is probably a good idea to bring your own headphones! Besides being more hygienic, you can’t always rely on the quality of those provided and are less likely to end up with earache! Noise blocking headphones are currently becoming all the rage amongst travellers as they offer all the sound but without the volume! Ear plugs may also be a good idea for those that don’t want to be disturbed on a noisy flight.

Entertainment– Don’t forget to bring your own entertainment too! You are much less likely to get fed up listening to your favourite album or reading a book you have chosen yourself, and we like to think that an amused traveller is a happy traveller.

Stay Hydrated!– I know it probably seems like everyone and their mother is telling you to drink more water these days but regularly topping up your H20 levels when flying is particularly important. The low humidity levels in the cabin mean all sorts of uncomfortable consequences from headaches to chapped lips, so by keeping a bottle handy and avoiding caffeinated drinks you are less likely to step off the plain feeling fuzzy headed and more inclined to start your holiday with a smile.

Although flying is unlikely to be one of your holiday highlights, we hope these tips keep you feeling ‘First Class’ wherever you are sitting. If you have any other tips and tricks to enhance your in-flight experience please leave a comment below; we’d love to hear from you!

Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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