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If ever there was a destination to evoke your curiosity, Egypt would be it. An ancient land that is laden with mystery and history aplenty; what we have so far learned about Egypt has helped us to uncover plenty about humankind and our world today. There’s plenty still to be unearthed though. Here are 9 things you didn’t know about Egypt, or at least 9 things you probably don’t know any way!

The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt - find out things you didn't know about Egypt.
A row of camels walking peacefully in front of the Pyramids of Giza in Egpyt.

1. It is clear that ancient Egyptians were resourceful. Building the pyramids was certainly no easy feat after all; it would be tricky these days with the aid of power tools and cranes, let alone 4,000 years ago. The Great Pyramid is built from over two million limestone blocks, each of which weighs the equivalent of two and a half elephants. Taller than the Statue of Liberty at 460 feet high and with a base larger than five football pitches, this really is a staggering construction.

2. Did you know that the Egyptians were responsible for the creation of many everyday objects too? The Egyptians are thought to have invented prosthetic body parts, after an artificial toe was unearthed by archaeologists in 2000. It is thought that Egyptians were also the first to use written language, the plow, the door lock and even high heeled shoes among many more objects such as condoms, paper and eye make up!

A golf course in Egypt - 9 things you didn't know about Egypt
Here’s an example of a great golf course in Egypt, perfect for a challenging game!

3. Egypt is marketed as a hot coastal resort destination with of course a good dousing of ancient, historical sites to visit. One thing few people know about Egypt however is that it’s actually a great destination for golfers! There are some fantastic golf courses to challenge you; more than 20 in fact. What better backdrop for your game than the humbling Pyramids?

4. Whilst in modern times, men and women are treated equally we all know that women had a rough ride in the past. Not during ancient Egyptian times it would seem. Women actually had some rights and a few at that! They were able to divorce, had a right to own property and women from wealthier families were even able to become doctors if they wanted to.

5. Many people don’t bother hiring a car in Egypt. Often they will book an all-inclusive holiday in the likes of popular holiday resorts such as Sharm El Sheikh. They will spend their days lavishing in the tropical pools under the warmth of the Egyptian sun, never venturing much further than the pool side bar or perhaps a pre-arranged excursion to go snorkelling in the Red Sea. Don’t be that person. Be the one who is brave enough to step outside the hotel perimeter. Sure, there might be times when you take the wrong turn and get lost but those little hiccups all make for a far more enriching and memorable holiday. If you’re flying to a brand new destination, you should invest the effort to enjoy it as wholly as you can!

Two cold beers. Beer can be traced back to Egypt - 9 things you didn't know about Egypt
Did you know beer can technically be traced back to Egypt?

6. The roots of your favourite alcoholic beverage, a nice cool beer, can be traced back to Egypt. It is included in written history and was integral in the diet of pharaohs but was also used as payment to workers and drunk by both adults and children! Naturally the recipe and procedure has since changed but during ancient Egyptian times, it was made from baked barley bread.

7. This leads me onto the next point; there is far more variety than all inclusive hotels. Much of Egypt is covered by the world’s most famous desert, the Sahara. Did you know that you can take to the sand and stay in a Bedouin camp in Egypt? You’ll be overwhelmed by the beauty of the clear night sky and enjoy traditional Bedouin style meals!

8. Facebook is incredibly popular in Egypt and it has the highest number of users compared to any other Arab country. Back in 2011, a man even named his new born daughter Facebook to commemorate the Egyptian revolution and the role the social network played. With that in mind, you shouldn’t have any trouble uploading your photos to show off to your family and friends back home!

Beach, Red Sea, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - 9 things you didn't know about Egypt
A sun drenched beach on the Red Sea coast in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

9. It’s considered a sunny destination but you probably don’t know quite how sunny; only an inch of rain falls on average every year in Egypt! This makes it a great year round destination so whether you’re yearning for some winter sun or want to turn up the heat on a proper summer holiday you aren’t likely to get washed out!

Egypt is certainly an interesting country with plenty to be learned and enjoyed on a holiday here. Do you know any facts about Egypt that we haven’t included? Share it with us in the comments section below.

Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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