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No matter what type of trip you are taking, an endless choice of travel gadgets exist to make your holiday easier. There are tonnes to choose from, including Steripens and spare mobile phones powered by an AA battery. But, like everything else is life, gadgets range from the good, to the bad and the downright ugly. Plus, we all know that taking less luggage pays off in many ways! With that in mind, here are 6 useless travel gadgets you don’t want to waste your money on…

Travel iron

6 useless travel gadgets you don’t want to waste your money on
Going on holiday is great because it means I can forget about those dull and boring everyday tasks like ironing. It might just be me, by why on earth would I want to take anything with me on a trip that reminds me of such tasks? If you roll your clothes when packing, you’ll reduce wrinkles and crinkles anyway. Just unpack your clothes when you arrive and hey presto! If you really need to iron something however, almost every hotel will be able to supply you with an iron these days. This renders travel irons a complete waste of money and space!

Ear pressure equaliser

Ear pain is a never a pleasant experience on a flight. I guess the person who invented the travel sized ear pressure equaliser must have been a frequent sufferer. This gadget is the size of a small mobile phone and works by sucking air from the outer ear canal. The likelihood of you wapping this out mid-flight however, is very slim. Plus, with a price tag of £38.95 it’s pretty expensive – it’s far cheaper and easier
just to suck a boiled sweet or two and sip on water! Our verdict; don’t bother!

Underwater iPod case

Said to remain waterproof at depths of 300ft (90m), this underwater iPod case is intended to keep you rocking around the clock. What I don’t understand however, is the need? If you are a fan of scuba diving, you surely have an interest in marine life and the unknown depths of our oceans. Why then, would you feel the inclination to plug in your ear buds and listen to your iPod? You can do that when you are on dry land, you know, every other day of the week…

Solar powered shaver

Unless you are trekking back in time, I cannot fathom the need for a solar powered shaver. I appreciate it helps the environment but I struggle to believe that you could get enough solar power to adequately engage a shaver without it running out half way through. Plus, if you are going somewhere without electricity – trekking in a jungle perhaps, I doubt that having a clean shaven face will be most men’s top priority… For all other holidays, take your regular shaver and plug it in at the wall!

Travel humidifier

Another gadget I can’t quite understand is the travel humidifier. If you hate hot, humid conditions that much then why on earth would you elect to travel somewhere hot and humid? If you an allergy suffer, then hats off to you – it probably will help. Otherwise, it seems relatively pointless.

Passport holder

6 useless travel gadgets you don’t want to waste your money on
A passport holder has to be the most singularly useless travel invention in existence. I understand it keeps your passport clean but it also ensures your entire trip though the airport will be nothing but a major hassle. You will need to remove the passport holder each time you need to show your passport to staff. The rest of the time, it will be stored safely in your carry-on bag, your front trouser pocket or the hotel safe. Then once you return home, into your document drawer. Overall, they are a waste of time and money!

We thought these 20 useless travel gadgets, by the lovely people over at Vagabondish were pretty amusing too.

What is the most useless travel gadget you’ve ever bought? We’d love to know!

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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  • Also the passport holder is a necessity when travelling three days a week, more than 30 weeks a year.

  • What planet are you from?

    A nice shirt needs ironing no matter how much care you take folding it.

    And even in fouror five star hotels, you find these darn burnt irons that will quickly leave stains on any attire, or the iron is w/o steam, alternatively the iron is hidden inside a small locker.

    You always need to bring a good iron with you, whereever you go.

    I would state a travel iron is the mose useful travel gadget ever made!

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