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Christmas is not just a time for presents; it’s a time to kick back, relax, put your usual duties and responsibilities on hold and spend some quality time with your family. It’s even better if you can combine the festivities with a trip abroad, but sometimes a holiday to Europe isn’t feasible! If you fall into the latter category, don’t worry; bring different countries to you this Christmas and stock your cupboards with these traditional Christmas treats from around Europe.

Traditional Christmas TreatsPhoto by: Elena Schweitzer/Adobe Stock

Stollen, Germany

Lighter than a traditional fruit cake, Stollen seems to seal the deal for those who aren’t so keen on the traditional English counterpart. Concealing tasty marzipan within, Stollen with the tasty flaky bread like texture packed with fruits and spices is the epitome of Christmas! You can pick some up in most supermarkets, although these are considered to be the three top picks.

Yule Log, France

A tasty chocolate yule log is a delicious Christmas cake and is often favoured by younger members of the family thanks to the generous slathering of chocolate buttercream on top! Also known as Bûche de Noël, the traditional Christmas treat originates in France and is made to resemble a tree log. The recipe seems to follow on from the tradition of burning an actual yule log which is set alight on Christmas Eve and is kept burning throughout the 12 nights of Christmas for good luck.

Mulled Wine, Germany

There are various varieties of mulled wine but essentially it’s a spicy, warming drink just perfect for chilly winter days in the lead up to Christmas. The true origins of the drink are vehemently argued, including a variety of European countries but Germany seems to be the overall winner with their version called Glühwein. You can buy it bottled but the best way to enjoy mulled wine is to make your own; that way you can tailor it to your tastes adding a little more cinnamon or nutmeg and some extra fruit!

Gingerbread, France

Surprisingly the delicious gooey ginger treat that is gingerbread is thought to originate in France but now most people tend to associate it with Germany. Made from ginger and molasses or honey, there are all different types of gingerbread to enjoy! Whether you pick up some gingerbread at a Christmas market in Europe, or decide to bake your own gingerbread men, cookies or perhaps an ambitious gingerbread house, it’s an essential treat for Christmas time!

Panettone, Italy

Italy delivers a fine Christmas food in the form of Panettone, a delicious cake like sweet bread that hails from Milan. Large and round, it is devoured both at Christmas and New Year across much of Europe as well as South America. The traditional version is filled with fruits and candied citrus zest but plain and chocolate versions are also widely available. Enjoy a slice with a hot chocolate this festive season!

Which of these traditional treats feature on your table during Christmas?

What other delicious seasonal foods from around Europe have we missed? Let us know in the comments. Check out our latest blog on how to have a travel-inspired Christmas.

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  • Kerri Ware 18 Dec 2012

    Good call on the mince pies, they are definitely my favourite. Served warm with brandy butter – extra yummy!

  • A slice of stollen & a glass of mulled wine for me this Christmas!
    In UK my must have is Mince pies with a glass of Port. Have a great time over Christmas all!

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