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Contrary to popular belief, Israel is now a thriving holiday destination. A country with thousands of years of history, varied landscapes and totally unique attractions, it’s funny that in the past, Israel probably wouldn’t have ever crossed your mind when planning a break away. Take a peek at 5 things you can only do in Israel and set your inspiration soaring for a holiday like no other.

Visit the lowest and saltiest place on earth

5 things you can only do in Israel
Whilst you can access the Dead Sea in Jordan, the majority of it lies in Israel’s border. Go for a swim, or rather, a float!

Yes, I’m talking about the Dead Sea. Whilst it’s true that a small portion can be accessed via the neighbouring country of Jordan, the majority of this world famous lake lies within Israel. Spanning a mammoth area of 812km², it is by far the lowest place on earth sitting a massive 427m below sea level. With more water evaporating from the Dead Sea than enters it too, it is also the saltiest place on earth and it’s the salt that makes it such an intriguing place to visit. You’ve no doubt seen or heard of people being able to float up right whilst reading a book here and that’s what makes it so fun. The healing properties are also famed, making it perhaps the largest natural health resort around! Come for a soak in these saline waters and tick off an attraction that populates many peoples’ bucket lists.

Awe the White Cliffs of Rosh HaNikra

5 things you can only do in Israel
The Rosh HaNikra cliffs are a fascinating natural sight with plenty of history to uncover too.

Alright, there might be the White Cliffs of Dover but the White Cliffs of Rosh HaNikra are way more exotic. With a gleamingly golden beach bathed in sunlight waiting for you below, the cable car ride down the 210ft cliff is the best way to drink in the view. Once you’ve descended, you can wander around and explore the caverns and tunnels which have been eroded away by the crashing waves over the years. This area also marks the border between the Israel and Lebanon with an interesting visual presentation available to view, outlining the history of the area.

Visit the most divine city in the world

Perhaps our earliest introduction to the cities of the world was in primary school; it certainly was in my case when the exotic, far-away place Jerusalem was spoken of in Religious Education classes. Few people perhaps ever envisaged visiting such a mystical city but on a trip to Israel you can do just that, and visit the holiest city in the world which has strong associations with three separate religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The city itself is a sprawling urban environment yet presents a captivating mix of old and new. The breath-taking Old City protected by ancient city walls is protected by UNESCO and is naturally the first port of call during a visit; in the Western Wall you can uncover thousands of prayer notes which have been inserted into cracks and crevices among the stones over the course of hundreds of years. Be sure to take in the Dome of the Rock, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount whilst here also.

Go rafting on a biblical river

The Jordan River identifies the border between Israel and Jordan and has played an incredibly important role both in religion and history for thousands of years. Mentions of the Jordan litter both the Old and New Testaments and it is perhaps the most famous river in the world, or certainly, one that piques the most interest. Many pilgrimage here to get baptised, although if that isn’t in your plans don’t scratch it off your itinerary altogether; for a different experience, why not raft on a biblical river? There are numerous companies to choose from with options ranging from kayaking to white river rafting in the mountainous portion. There are often jeep trips and paintballing and facilities available too!

Trek to ruins from 73 AD

5 things you can only do in Israel
The cable car ride to the Masada Fortress in Israel.

The Masada Fortress is another fascinating sight to include and quite unlike anywhere else in the world. Located in the Judean desert atop a 1,300ft high peak, the ruins of this ancient Roman fortress date to well beyond 73 AD when it was the host of the resistance of the Zealots. Truly a fascinating sight of brutally tragic history, it is one sight you definitely should not miss. Unearth the story at the interactive museum and visitor centre located here. If you don’t fancy the hike up Snake path, hop in the cable car instead – probably the wisest idea, especially during the heat!

So for an off the beaten travel path that takes you way beyond the beach, consider a trip here and sample these 5 things you can only do in Israel. You’ll return home with a whole new appreciation of this fascinating and incredibly cultured country and some great memories. Book your Israel hire car now and get set for an adventure!

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