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From a young age it’s instilled into us that holidays should be taken in the summer months and should include both a beach and hot weather. But it doesn’t have to be that way; holidays in the winter can be an exciting break away too and here are 5 reasons to take a winter holiday

Fewer Crowds

Take a famous attraction, say the Louvre Museum in Paris or the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where you almost can’t move from the crowds. I’m sure you’ll agree that it doesn’t make for a particularly enjoyable experience; you get elbowed left, right and centre and herded along without the time or opportunity to stop and appreciate where you are. It happened to me at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam and it must have happened to you somewhere too? Yes, I thought so; that’s why travelling in winter is a god-send; fewer crowds. Simple as!

Unique Experiences

With disappointing weather in the UK, an escape to sunnier climbs keeps us motivated and slaps a smile on our face but on the other side of the coin, a winter holiday presents endless varied adventures! Go skiing in Bulgaria, see wild polar bears in Canada, try snow rafting in Slovenia and track down the Northern Lights in Iceland (or even in Scotland if you’re especially lucky)…check out what’s on offer and end your year on an adventure filled exploit!


Mid-way through the busy summer season, towns and cities tend to lose their personality a bit in order to cater to the masses. Hotel owners, waiters and shop owners are tired, stressed and short tongued having been bombarded with tourists for the past few months. When the crowds thin however, authenticity returns and suddenly hotel owners, waiters and shop owners are happy to stop for a minute or two to have a conversation with you or tell you about the special parts of a city or area in a bit more detail.

Stunning photos

Flick through your holiday photos and you will find hundreds of blue skies. Now don’t get me wrong, that’s certainly not something to complain about, the burning sun and cloudless blue skies are a winning combo for a summer holiday but when it comes to taking photos, winter weather is so much better. Angry storm clouds boiling up over a palm-tree fringed beach or a frozen Notre Dame iced in snow? The photos are much more powerful, evocative and exciting! The opportunity to see a destination in a different light will surely make your trip more memorable too.

Bargain Holidays

Lastly, we have the most obvious reason to go on holiday in the winter; the cost! Hotels, flights and activities are up for grabs for massively reduced prices so get on board, literally and metaphorically, and have an amazing holiday for a fraction of the price!

So, instead of day dreaming about a holiday next summer, why not head off on a winter holiday instead for a unique, authentic trip at a reduced price with fewer crowds and great photos to look back on! Would you consider a winter holiday, why or why not? Does your loyalty lay with summer holidays?

If you liked this post, leave us a comment – we love to chat! 🙂

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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