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Hiring a car can be stressful for some travellers. Even those who have hired before might not be aware of all the little tricks that can make the experience go that much smoother. If you’re a first-time hirer, or are relatively unexperienced with hiring cars, then we’ve got a stockpile of handy guides that it’s worthwhile brushing up on before you set off:

There are however, a few small things that you may not consider before collecting your hire car. Although they’re small things, they do sometimes get raised with us at the end of the rental period. It’s worth being aware of them so you can take steps to avoid them affecting your hire period.

Tips for car hire collection; check over the hire carPhoto by: Photographee-eu/Stock

Little things to remember when hiring a car

  • Check the inside of the windscreen before you drive off into the sunset. Sometimes you won’t notice the windscreen is dirty until the sun is shining on it. If it looks dirty, ask the representative to clean it. If you want to go prepared, take a small cloth with you for this purpose. This is more common in summer months when dust tends to get inside the cars.
  • Before you drive away, you also need to check the windscreen washer fluid and oil level. If either of these are not satisfactory, ask the representative to replenish them. It will be less hassle for you than when you’re halfway to your accommodation and realise these have run dry.
  • If you know you’ll be collecting your hire car in the dark, it can be worthwhile taking a small LED torch with you. This will help you look over the vehicle for any pre-existing damage before you sign the rental agreement. Alternatively, install an appropriate app on your smartphone to use.
  • If you’ve hired a Sat Nav with your vehicle or there’s one built-in that you intend to use, check that it’s set to the correct language for you to understand, or that the instructions are included in the vehicle. You don’t want to be ready to head off on a road trip before discovering that the device is stuck in a language you don’t understand.
  • If you’re on holiday in the summer and heading to the beach, one thing you need to do before you get back inside the car is ensure you’ve removed as much excess sand as possible. Carrying sand inside the car on your belongings or feet may result in a cleaning fee being charged by the car rental provider. It’s so easy to avoid if you just take the precaution of brushing yourself down before you get back inside.

Ensuring your car hire runs smoothly

We want our customers to have a great time on their holiday, that’s why we prepare so many guides and articles with advice. We’ve also got 24/7 emergency telephone support so we’re on-hand should you run into any problems.

What other little, perhaps unusual, tips for car hire do you think other travellers should be aware of? Let us know in the comments below.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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  • Check to see what is included in the total rental fee. Get a paper copy of any emails and paperwork etc that is about the car. Find out what you can in advance. Make sure to use a good local hire company outside the airport if possible (you can even ask around for some trusted names) or search around online.
    Another way to find a local car hire company is to make a shortlist of car hire companies and scan the website to learn more. Or pay a short visit to their hire offices. Never sign any official car insurance paperwork either without knowing more. Take notes. Ask for all the required details. And remember to inspect the hire car. Prepare a list of things to check.

  • G Master 10 Apr 2018

    It should be the responsibility of the company to ensure that the oil and water level is adequate. If this is not so, then it will be negligence on the company’s part just as it would be for the hirer if they give the car back dirty.

  • John Bedford 9 Apr 2018

    Well worth taking photos of any existing damage when you collect the hire car. No problem when you return the car.

  • Andy Parrett 9 Apr 2018

    In the ‘Little things to remember’ it says “This will help you look over the vehicle for any pre-existing damage before you sign the rental agreement.” in the bit about checking for damage in the dark. Well, whether it’s dark or not, my experience is that I’ve already signed an agreement before going to the car. eg in Bari, Italy recently, the office was in the arrivals hall, paperwork all done there, then a several hundred yard walk to get the car, description from rep. as to how to find it.

    • Jessica Juby 9 Apr 2018

      Hello Andy,

      In instances such as this, where you’ve signed the agreement before noticing any potential pre-existing damage, we would recommend that you take photos (time-stamped if possible), and send these across to ourselves. It’s also best to make the provider aware if you’ve not left the car park yet so they can adjust the rental agreement accordingly. If you have left the provider, then we can raise these damages with them on your behalf.

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

  • Coral Stewart 8 Apr 2018

    I have some tips which are the most basic things to know, but it’s frustrating when you don’t.

    Absolutely pouring rain when I collected my rental in New Orleans. The guy helping me was great. Put my suitcase in the car for me etc.
    However when I arrived at my accommodation, pulled up tired and wet just wanting to go to my room, I had no idea how to release the boot (trunk) to collect my luggage. I even tried calling the rental company. They didn’t know. It was terrible! I wasted hours. Finally googled the manufacturer’s manual and read it!

    Yes, it should be obvious, but after many rentals I can safely say, not all cars are the same.

    Its high on my list of questions.

    The second one, is where is the fuel release lever or button.
    Again, I’ve sat at a fuel station in absolute frustration looking for the release. And needing to ask for help.

  • KEITH ROBINSON 8 Apr 2018

    How about a tip to ensure we get the car that we booked?

    • Jessica Juby 9 Apr 2018

      Hi Keith,

      Unfortunately, it can be impossible for a provider to guarantee an exact make or model as their fleets are constantly changing. This is why we state “or similar” next to the vehicle shown. Should you have a preference, you can contact our Customer Support Team with your request. They can place a note on the booking so that the provider is aware and can supply this vehicle, should one be available. We explain more about this on a previous blog post here;

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

  • Joseph Brown 8 Apr 2018

    When returning your hire car DO NOT ALLOW the car hire rep to go near it to check it for damage before you do your video or photos and inspection of the cars condition! .
    Europcar Italy Florence Airport did this and created a state of mistrust due scratch “found” . The parking area had lots of loose stones on the ground and the rep was crouched down out of view whilst I was still sat in the car .

    • Jessica Juby 9 Apr 2018

      Hello Joseph,

      I’m sorry to hear of this incident that occurred with Europcar at Florence Airport in Italy. We’re reliant on the providers for information regarding damages and can see from the notes on your booking that the last we heard from them was that they hadn’t invoiced you for the scratch. If you would like us to look into this, please contact

      We do always recommend that customers take the time to check over the vehicle for pre-existing damage and ensure that the representative has noted this down. If you’re ever unsure of anything, please be assured that we operate 24/7 emergency telephone support and so can be contacted at the time.

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

  • Be aware that the cheapest car hire companies in the UK frequently use the scam that your credit card has been declined. You can either walk away and loose your booking money, or (more expensively) let them use your debit card to reduce the excess insurance to zero. In my case, a £55 booking became £250. The credit card company confirmed there was no problem with the card and it was at the car hire end that the decline was being generated. Apparently, nothing can be done about this common scam.

    • Jessica Juby 9 Apr 2018

      Hello Brian,

      Thank you for your comment. This isn’t something we’re aware of at Zest, and thankfully none of our customers have complained about this from any of the providers we work with. We’ll certainly keep aware of it and stay vigilant should it become an issue.

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

  • SIMON SPEDDING 8 Apr 2018

    Always check for unusual laws relating to driving in the country you are hiring in. For example having 2 pairs of glasses, having dipped headlights on at all times, having to give way to traffic entering a roundabout and many more.

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