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With the Jubilee now over, our attention turns to the 2012 Olympics. With just 40 days to go until the Games start on 27th July 2012, London, our cosmopolitan capital city will soon be welcoming many thousands of people, both spectators with events tickets and others who just want to soak up the atmosphere. Whichever group you fall into, you are sure to have some spare time to fill. Here are 4 other enjoyable things to do during your trip to London for the 2012 Olympics.

St Paul’s Cathedral

With its world-famous dome, St Paul’s Cathedral is unarguably one of the most iconic buildings in the city’s skyline. Not just an impressive exterior, the inside is incredibly beautiful thus a visit should be a dead cert. The famous Whispering Gallery as well as the Stone Gallery and Golden Gallery, the latter of which offers fantastic views over the city, are definite strings to the bow. The many stone carvings and glittering mosaics make it all the more special. A full exploration of the Cathedral really is the best way to appreciate it.

Windsor Castle

With the city inundated with crowds, a little respite will no doubt be welcomed. What better way than with a day trip to Windsor Castle. As the Queen’s weekend home, it certainly has fairytale features and is said to be the largest inhabited castle in the world covering 13 acres. A myriad of rooms furnished with many possessions from the Royal collection, a visit here is sure to prove enjoyable. It is reached in under an hour on the train from Vauxhall Station or you could drive and follow the signs to Windsor town centre.

Camden Markets

One of London’s top attractions is to be found in Camden where the Camden Markets are visited by thousands of people every week. With other activities to distract the regular visitors, you might find that this will be the best time for you to visit. Explore the huge variety of quirky and alternative stalls and shops and with a massive food court area to tempt you, it might be wise to dedicate quite a large chunk of time for lunch.

British Museum

Regarded as one of the capital’s very best museums, the British Museum should be a top pick if you are hoping to top up your culture dose. The collection housed within is close to unbelievable. Examples range from the Rosetta Stone through to the oldest artifact in the museum, the Olduvai Stone chopping tool which dates back 1.8million years. With so much to see, it’s hard to know where to start. It’s certainly a day to enjoy and learn from. An added bonus is that entrance is free, which will certainly help towards the pinch on your wallet!

If you only have tickets to one or two events or are heading to the city to enjoy the atmosphere and patriotism, these attractions may appeal when you are looking for something to do! Are you heading to London for the 2012 Olympics? Tell us about your plans.

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