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There are many hundreds of them around the world but there’s something about waterfalls that always captures my attention; a gentle trickle or a gushing force, waterfalls always impress. I’ve chosen just 10 of the most impressive waterfalls in the world but my list is by no means exhaustive. What’s the most spectacular waterfall you’ve ever seen?

Niagara Falls

First up we have perhaps the most famous waterfall on the planet; Niagara Falls. No post about waterfalls would be complete without including it! Best viewed from the water with a trusty poncho on your back, Niagara simply roars. Straddling the border between Canada and northern New York, it’s a force to be reckoned with.

World's most impressive waterfalls
A small boat against the back drop of Niagara Falls.

Iguazu Falls

Found on the border between Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is another well-known set of waterfalls. A mind boggling 3km wide and 262ft high, this wall of water is a natural sight of epic proportions with numerous cascades which catch and reflect the sunlight. Backed by tropical rainforest, it’s a staggering part of the world to visit.

Victoria Falls

A plunging portion of the Zambezi River in Africa, Victoria Falls is actually the largest in the world; not by individual width or height but by these collective amounts. This means it is the largest veil of falling water in the world and is over twice the height of Niagara Falls! Dropping 354ft, Victoria Falls is best viewed on terra firma but some brave (read, crazy) people opt to swim in the Devil’s Pool at the top, despite the alarming risk of being swept over the edge!

Anna Ruby Falls

Hidden in the depths of the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia USA, the Anna Ruby Falls are not that well-known, which adds to their appeal in my books. They might not break any records but they have mystical appeal in a setting that looks like it’s straight out of a story book. Park up, hike the half a mile here and soak up this natural sight!

Yosemite Falls

The highest waterfall in the USA, Yosemite Falls is also particularly impressive as a single stream of gushing water charges over the edge of a rocky cliff face before careering a total of 2,452ft to the ground. Plan a trip to Yosemite Falls during spring when the water flow is at its peak for the best viewing experience.


Taking the title as the highest waterfall in Europe and the sixth highest in the world, we have Vinnuossen in Norway. Like raindrops on a car window, the river Vinnu splits in multiple streams and flows down the face of the magnificent Vinnufjellet Mountain, racing to the ground.

Baatara Gorge Falls

Lebanon isn’t exactly tourist central so it’s only off the beaten track adventurers who are likely to have come across Baatara Gorge Falls. You will need to tackle the Lebanon Mountain Trail before coming across the waterfall which drops through a series of three circular, Jurassic limestone gorges. An impressive sight to say the least!

Angel Falls

Angel Falls, a staggering waterfall found in Venezuela is in fact the highest in the world at 3,212ft. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the waterfall escapes over the edge of the Auyantepui Mountain plunging to the lush, fauna filled jungle of Canaima National Park below. It is notoriously difficult to reach and visitors will need to take a flight to Canaima camp before embarking on a river trip and then a rather demanding hike to reach Angel Falls itself. The journey there is all part of the adventure however and one that you won’t forget in a hurry!


For a truly up close and personal experience, Langfossen in Norway is one to visit. Wild and wonderful, it rages down the side of Akra Fjord and comes incredibly close to the European route E134 road, making for an exceptional sight.

Gocta Cataracts

Amazingly, this spectacular waterfall really only became known to the world as late as 2005 despite having been well known by locals for hundreds of years! Hidden in the depths of the Peruvian Amazon, it sits at a height of 2,530ft, includes two drops and is visible from a number of miles away. The setting only adds to the mystique of the place and it is long thought to have been protected by a mermaid which lives in the waters at the base…

What’s the most impressive waterfall you have ever seen? Or the most beautiful?

I’d love to know, even if it isn’t famous! Sometimes hidden finds are the best after all…

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